
This is for unorganized docs - so I can just write down things as I go.


  • This was originally written for code blogs & isn't mature enough to be abstracted

First Steps

Before you can use this, you must do:

$lia = new \Liaison();
new \Lia\Addon\Blog($lia, 'path/to/blog/dir');
$lia->set('lia:blog.use_cache', true); // or false

Display list of blogs

where php & bash are names of directories. languages is supposed to be the category.

echo $lia->view('blog:CardGrid',['languages'=>['php','bash']]);
echo $lia->view('blog:CardGrid');


.BlogCardGrid & .BlogCard are what you'll be styling.

For card borders, write something like:

.BlogCard {
    /** rgb color for box shadow **/

You can also just set the box-shadow, or use a border. There is a default box shadow color.

For grid:

.BlogCardGrid {

override /blog/ home page

create a file in your liaison app at public/blog.php or public/blog/index.php. And make sure you create your liaison app BEFORE instantiating the mdblog liaison app.